The demand for safe food with less water consumption was one of the most important arguments for setting up this project.

The entire process, from planting the seed to harvesting, takes place in a controlled climate environment under one roof. Optimal growing conditions shorten the cultivation time and reduce the water & energy costs per plant. The plants get exactly what they need to grow optimally and with as little water & energy as possible. Harvesting is possible at any time of the day, flexible and tailored to market demand.

Offering total solutions is part of our strategy. Not only the design, purchase and delivery of the greenhouses, but also the local papers, building requirements, logistics and management of the greenhouse can be provided by Horti XS.

2 ha
Cucumber | Tomato | Capsicum | Strawberry

Expertises within this project:

ادارة المشروع | الخطوات السبعة نحو مشروع البيوت الزجاجية الخاصة بك! بناء البيوت الزجاجية الإمدادات التقنية للمياه